Color Coordinated.
Lately I feel like my life is like this.

Not color coordinated.
I'm grasping, searching for the end of the thread that will lead me in the right direction....
"Kaylee have you registered for graduation yet?"
"Kaylee do you know what you want to do after you graduate?"
"Kaylee have you started looking for a job yet?"
"Kaylee don't you have a boyfriend yet?"
"Kaylee don't you have a boyfriend yet?"
"Kaylee how are preparations for Spain coming?"
"Kaylee have you turned in your homework yet?"
"Kaylee have you turned in your homework yet?"
Sometimes I just feel like screaming "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING WITH MY LIFE LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Unfortunately screaming at people tends to be frowned upon. I know people mean well, and they genuinely care and want to know, but people also forget that they are not the only person to have asked me these questions.
I just feel like crawling in a hole, I want to hide from it all. That's always been my personality. I am not confrontational. It doesn't matter if it's people or just an uncomfortable situation, I don't confront naturally. I much prefer to pull back into my shell and hide out the storm, hoping it will just be gone when I poke my head out.
Needless to say this is not the best way to handle the situation.
Why do I forget Who I have on my side?
Why do I forget that I have God fighting for me! I'm not in this alone, not by a long shot!
Do I ask Him for help though? I should. All I have to do is ask. He is faithful. He is mighty to save.
In His time, He will help me find the end of the thread.
He will shape me and form me into something beautiful for His glory.
I hear ya friend, only I'm behind you a few steps...this transition time of life is tough!