Today I had time to think about the flip side of the story. I complained that everyone is always asking me about my future plans and where things stand, and how that can be frustrating for me since I don't have my plans solidified yet. But I am so fortunate to have people around me who care enough about me to take the time and ask me how my life is going. I can't be angry with people for that. It's my issues that need dealt with, I can't take it out on those around me who care about me. What kind of thanks is that for them taking an interest in me? I just wanted to be honest with how I was feeling, and I've done that, and now it's time to move on.
Besides, I really have nothing to complain about. I am incredibly blessed. I have a family who is there for me for encouragement and support, friends who keep me laughing, and a God who answers prayer!
In fact just today I received an email from a gal who is going to the same camp I'm going to in Spain this summer. She is from Omaha and she agreeable to traveling to Spain together in June. That is a HUGE answer to prayer! One of my biggest fears about this whole trip to Spain was the fact that I would be traveling by myself, and now I won't have to! How awesome is it that I have a personal relationship with a God who not only hears but answers my prayers?!
So no more of this negativity!
No more self-pity!
No more fear!
Okay, let's not get carried away here :) Baby steps right?
I'm trying to ride this ride called life, and enjoy it. What's the point of going for the ride if there's no enjoyment in it? It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all that we forget to enjoy where we are, where God has placed us!
This song really sums up what I'm trying to say....
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