Friday, August 9, 2013

This Is Why We're Friends

Today I am thankful for my friends...

...for the friends who share my slightly ridiculous obsess-I mean, passion, for things that others could care less about...

...for the friends who don't share my slightly ridiculous fanaticism, but don't judge me for it....

...for the friends who I can communicate with in just a look...

...for the friends who have and will dress up with me for various occasions, like an ugly Christmas sweater party or a Harry Potter movie premiere...

...for the friends who haven't let me live down my embarrassing moments...

...for the friends who can carry a conversation made entirely of movie quotes....

...for the friends who will unashamedly break into song in the middle of Walmart...

...for the friends who share a glass (or two) of wine...

...for the friends who can pick up on my sarcasm even in a text message...

...for the friends who have laughed and cried (that one time I cried) with me...

...for the friends who have been a shoulder, a hug, a tickle, a dance and duet partner...

...for the friends who have seen all sides of me, pretty, ugly, and everywhere in between...

You are those who speak the language of my heart. You are blessings rained down on me from my Heavenly Father. You cannot know how much you mean to me, partly because I stink at telling people how I feel, and partly because even if I wanted to express it I don't know that I could find the appropriate words. We've been through thick and thin, and sweat and tears, long time and short, and we're stretched across great distances. 

To my Anne-of-Green-Gables-bossom-friends, my kindred spirits, I love you, more than you know. 

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