Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Getting to Know You...

I've recently grown in my appreciation for getting to know someone new. Anyone who knows me knows that meeting knew people is NOT my favorite thing. At all. It terrifies me, stresses me out, causes me anxiety. I'm horrible at small talk and can never think of anything to say or any questions to ask. My mind just goes blank!


Once the initial first meeting is over, I've realized that I can enjoy getting to know someone and making a new friend.

I've realized that getting to know someone is kind of like reading a new book for the first time. You have a whole story to explore and learn and get lost in! A new person is the same way, they have a story that they'll start to share with you, and as you get to know them and know their story you start to find things in common and relate and get invested in the person, like you would a book.

When I liken it to books it's not nearly so scary  : )
And of course, any excuse to show a clip from a musical should be taken advantage of.


  1. Good analogy! :) My problem with meeting new people is that I'm sometimes not myself for a long they don't know the real me for a while. Maybe that means I put a twist in the story? :P

    PS- love the clip :)

    1. Oh definitely! you're like, the damsel disguised as a someone else....trying to make her own way in the world? I dunno, it's late, I'm scrambling :) something like that right? ;-)
