I was sitting in one of my classes this week, one of my least favorite classes, which makes it a long hour and fifteen minutes, but it's valuable information most of the time, so I know it's good for me. That doesn't mean I like it anymore.
So I was sitting there, and we were talking about our goals, and how do we stay motivated to follow through on our goals, and how are we going to make our goals come true, and I realized something.
It's not wonder we are control-freak planners in this nation. The "American Dream" is built upon this mind set, making your dreams come true, yourself.
It's all about me me me doing whatever I possibly can to be successful in life. And if I don't do it then it won't happen.
I've always had issues with being a bit of a control freak. Okay, more than a bit of a control freak. I live out of my planner. If it isn't in my planner, it isn't going to happen. I love starting a new year and buying a fresh, clean, unmarred planner with all the empty pages just waiting to be filled with homework assignments and social activities. But being a control freak has its drawbacks.
For starters, I have issues trusting others with things. If you're not going to do it right or in a timely manner than just let me do it. Needless to say group projects tend to stress me out. But this trust issue factors into my life in another way. I really have a hard time giving things up to God. I know, in my head, that it makes much more sense to give things up to Him.
He only happens to be the all-sovereign Ruler of the Universe. But no, He can't be trusted to take care of the things in my life.

This is the God who loves me, who takes an interest in me, who likes me, who wants the best for me, who created me, who holds our world in His hands, who sent His son to be crucified for me. Why in the world won't I trust Him with my life???
My head knows it, but I have the worst time making the jump from my head to my heart. I just can't quite let go of the remote control.
Why should we be so afraid to give our lives up to God?
I think a huge factor in this fear, aside from the "American Dream" mentality, is the fact that every other aspect of our lives is made up of interaction with other people. We are sometimes forced to trust other people with things that are important to us, and people, more often than not, will let us down! When we're so used to disappointment and being let down, we are that much more guarded, more careful, less trusting.
But we seem to be forgetting one key fact.
God is not human!
God is God!!!! If we can't trust Him then we truly have no hope in our lives. We should be running to leave everything we have at His feet, anxious to see what He's going to do with our lives, to see how He can turn anything around for His glory and our good. That is such a comforting thought...
Now this is not to say that we just "Live and let God." He's not going to do anything if we're just sitting on our tails, waiting for Him to make a move. We need to be actively seeking His will in our lives. It's a very good thing to have dreams and goals, but we need to remember who is in control, and be open to God's plan when He reveals it to us. His plan for us may not coincide with our plans for ourselves, and we need to be willing to let go of our plan and follow where He is leading us.
We need to let go of the remote control, and see how our lives are changed when we give God control!
I'm learning to see God when I let go...
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