But I'm feeling them now.
They may not be physical, but they are emotional, and definitely spiritual.
I was going along, walking my neat and tidy path.

Sure there's a tumbleweed or two here and there, a dead flower every now then (I do not have a green thumb, by any stretch of the imagination). I don't pretend to have it all figured out, and I definitely don't know where this path is taking me, but I knew what I was about. I knew I was happy, doing my thing, strolling along my little garden trail. The rain had just quit, the clouds had cleared, everything was clean and fresh and daisies were popping up everywhere.
I'm strolling along, soaking in the sunshine, humming a little tune, going on my blissful way, until I come upon a dandelion, smack-dab in the middle of my little dirt path.

I just got past a storm, things were supposed to be clear and care free, surely for a day at least? Hah.
Some might say, dandelions are pretty. I would not be one of those people, however, I will grant you, they are a nice and bright, happy summer image. That doesn't mean I want them all over my garden path.
I have some options here. I can ignore the dandelion. They (whoever "they" are) say ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately, I am not ignorant of this dandelion. I know it's there, I can't very well pretend I didn't see it. It's right in the middle of my path! It's oh so tempting though. I could just take one step around it, and walk on. What would be the harm in leaving it there? It's just a little dandelion...now.
It's little now.
Give it some time and the roots will grow, burrowing further and further into the ground. Not only that, but the dandelion is going to change on the surface as well. The blossom will turn into a round fuzz ball, requiring only a small gust of wind to carry the seeds here, there and everywhere across my garden and path.

Then I have a mess on my hands. Walking away from this dandelion is basically encouraging it to grow. I might as well pull out the watering can and miracle-grow and play Mozart for it.
No, this problem, this dandelion has to be dealt with.
So with a sigh I get down on my knees to examine this weed closer. How should I go about getting rid of it? I could just pull the head off, that would stop the seeds from spreading right? But the roots are still there, the dandelion will come back. I've got to break out the trowel and dig this sucker out of the ground.
I pull out my gloves and tools, preparing to get rid of this nuisance. I begin to dig at the base of the plant, trying to ascertain the depth and strength of the roots. I keep digging and digging. The roots just seem to go on forever, I can't find the ends! In exasperation I just begin to pull at the plant. My first tug does nothing more than pull the leaves off.
I readjust my gloves and get on my knees. I get as firm a grip on the base of the dandelion as I can, and pull with all my strength!
Nothing. Didn't budge.
I readjust my grip again, grit my teeth and pull!
It wiggles a little, from side to side, but the roots are still solidly gripping the dirt. I'm beginning to sweat. The sunshine that had felt so lovely on my walk was now beating down on my exposed neck.
How can things have changed so quickly? I just wanted to enjoy my path! Stroll barefoot through the grass, watch the clouds float lazily along, chase a butterfly...
But now I have an aching back and shoulders, sweat pouring off my forehead, and dirt underneath my fingernails...
I want more than anything to resume my walk, end it with a nap in a hammock under a tree, but it seems someone is not content to leave me as I am. My Heavenly Father wants to stretch me, wants me to grow.
He wants me to sweat, and ache, and get dirt under my fingernails, because He gets the pleasure of molding and shaping me to become the woman He wants me to be. He created me with potential, and He is glorified when I grow to reach my potential. I may have been content with my leisurely stroll along my neat and tidy path, but my Lord is not afraid to throw a wrench in my plans and plant a weed on my path.
I may not like it. In fact I probably won't. It hurts, growing. We are bound to have growing pains. But once I take a step back and examine things, I realize that those growing pains are good, in that they are a confirmation that I am being grown by my Maker. He is taking a personal interest in me, to reach my full potential, for His glory.
How awesome is that?
I have been feeling God, in my growing pains.