Or maybe that's just me...I don't mean to generalize. But I have a feeling I'm not the only one : )
It seems like the lesson I keep having to learn and learn again is trust.
It's not like God hasn't shown Himself to be worthy of my trust. He's definitely shown himself again and again.
So why do I keep coming back to this issue? Why doesn't it stick??????
Why do I have such a hard time placing my trust wholeheartedly on God?
God has been growing me again these past few months, forcing me to lean on Him and place my trust in Him. And I've learned something about myself. In the past, I would realize the need for trusting God in the BIG circumstances. Perfect example: Spain last year. A year ago I was preparing to go to Spain for two months, trying to raise funds, deciding what to pack, trying not to freak out that I was going and there was no plan for when I came home again. I was learning to trust God through that big leap of faith. But lately I've been learning to trust God through the little things. Why shouldn't I trust God to handle my daily things? He has been stretching me. Pushing here, prodding there, pruning, trimming and grooming me.
Has it been painful? Certainly.
Has it been difficult? Most definitely.
Has it been worth it? Absolutely!
I'm in a place in life that I've never experienced before, because I waited, and was patient, and trusted God. He has yet to let me down, so maybe one of these days the lesson will sink in fully. Until then I suppose I'll just keep learning, growing, and enjoying this ride!