This week, I will have to watch one of the hardest moments of my life, as we put our dog down. Abby is twelve years old, and has been part of our family for almost those entire twelve years. This last year she was diagnosed with diabetes which we've been treating, and she's been doing okay. But this last weekend she had a seizure and when we called and talked to the vet, she said she has only seen things like this get worse. Rather than watch her go through that again, we decided to put her down. My heart is broken. She has been a part of our family since I was 9. I hardly remember a time without her. She has been a joy and blessing in our life. I don't want her to go through any more pain, but that doesn't make letting go any easier. You always hope they'll just pass peacefully in their sleep, but it doesn't look like it's an option for her. At least this way we'll get to say goodbye.

Abby was such a blessing, God could not have given us a more loving, loveable bundle of fur.
You will be missed reddog, more than you can possibly know.